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Article: Jouissance Club: 10 good reasons to read Jüne Pla’s map of pleasure

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Jouissance Club: 10 good reasons to read Jüne Pla’s map of pleasure

You always found that sex was cool, but that you lacked that little extra 'je ne sais quoi' to really enjoy with a capital J. The author Jüne Pla thought of you, of us! The Blush team, in adoration of their book, gives you 10 good reasons to get it as soon as possible. Welcome to the pleasure club.

Enjoyment is within reach (no pun intended). In her book Jouissance Club - a map of pleasure , Jüne Pla gives us everything there is to know about your body and the ways to introduce it to the 7th heaven.

1 - Because it teaches us everything there is to know about our body to make it enjoy

To really get your kicks, you first need to know how your body works. Jüne Pla offers a very anatomical introduction, both for the penis and the vulva. A good way to re-situate everything, place things in the right place to simply understand what comes from them when we stimulate them. With a remark full of wisdom: we tend to expect others to make us enjoy, to understand our anatomy. But how could this be possible if there are still things we don't know about our own bodies? So we cultivate ourselves!

2 – Because it’s for everyone

In this book, no 'he', no 'she', no woman, no man, just vulvas, penises, Things, Things, Big Things. The author chooses not to gender her comments so that absolutely everyone feels concerned and included in her valuable advice. Enjoyment is a matter that concerns everyone! Finally, as Jüne Pla points out, “except those who don’t like ass…. »

3 - Because orgasms are not like in the cinema (nor in porn)

Cinema, and particularly porn but not only that, has largely contributed to a false vision of sexuality. Something that Jüne Pla points out to put things in context. No, it's not normal to scream with intense pleasure in just 3 thrusts. No, it's not normal to have an orgasm as soon as the penis is inserted . These are images that are effective on screen, but they are not real life.

4 – Because it relieves guilt

We come back a little to the point above. Overall, the leitmotif of the book: “You are normal, you are not alone ”. Whatever we feel during sex, whatever we like, like less, or don't like at all, there is no problem, only solutions, things to try . Each person is unique and therefore their sexuality will be just as unique.

5 - Because it is educational

In Jouissance Club, everything is explained very clearly, straightforwardly, with simple, even crude words. The author begins in the preamble by recalling the rules of fulfilled sexuality, namely consent, respect, trust, among others. And it always feels good to (re)read it.

The writing is fluid and pleasant, with a well-felt touch of humor which helps to convey all the messages, even for subjects that are sometimes technical and less simple to explain.

6 – Because it’s super well illustrated

Sometimes a drawing is worth more than words. And Jüne Pla draws well! Each tip is illustrated with a small, simple and very concrete drawing. We don't beat around the bush, we are here to learn, to understand and we understand it much better in images than with convoluted sentences.

7 - Because there is lots of good advice

Masturbation advice, advice for doing without penetration, advice adaptable to singleness or married life…. In short, it's a bit like Ali Baba's cave of sex. You will find lots of tips to put into practice. Why not start a sort of sex Advent calendar: one day, one piece of advice to apply.

8 - Because you can read it alone or in pairs

Jouissance Club, you can read it solo, testing certain moves on yourself in the process. We can slip it into our partner's bag so that he or she can get some seeds. We can also sit down comfortably as a couple and read it together, asking questions about our mutual preferences, the things we want to try together... Very fun time guaranteed .

9 – Because it makes you want to try new things

When we get older and in our sexuality, we try certain things, sometimes always a bit the same. But there is still a vast territory to conquer. Jouissance Club offers a nice sample with classic things and others that are less so. Enough to revisit the agenda in bed!

10 – Because enjoyment is still very cool

In the end, we don't really have that many reasons to take the plunge. Just thinking that we're going to enjoy better thanks to these little tips makes us want it!

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Jouissance Club June Pla Mapping of pleasure

11 - Because the Initiate box is ideal for all nightstands

The Initiate box contains the essentials for a wonderful night alone or as a couple. It contains, the Jouissance Club, a super lubricant to better glide on the waves of pleasure and to finish our Ona clitoral stimulator .
Ona is a small revolution in terms of clitoral stimulator because it offers two functions, pulsation and vibration. It's up to you to see which one suits you best.

Nina Ristori

La sexualité au coeur du bien-être

Les essentiels de la routine sexo Bouche Bée

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