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le fossé orgasmique

Article: The orgasm gap is real: women orgasm less than men

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The orgasm gap is real: women orgasm less than men

Gender is not immune to inequalities. We decipher the orgasmic gap, this scourge which proves that when it comes to orgasm, men succeed more than women. And the reason is not mechanical.

We knew about gender inequalities in the management of household and salary tasks, in the education of children... It turns out that in bed too, straight women are less well off than men. Or more precisely, are less likely to orgasm than their male partner. Revolting? And how.

This is what we call the orgasmic gap (“orgasm gap” in English), and the studies which observe it are clear: it is severely widened. One of them, carried out by researchers from the Archives of Sexual Behavior , evaluated the sexual lives of 52,500 American adults to get an idea of ​​the phenomenon.

Conclusion: the group most likely to always have an orgasm during lovemaking is that of heterosexual men, with 95% of respondents reporting that they orgasm systematically. Heterosexual women come in last position, with 65% of participants answering in the affirmative to the same question (after lesbian women at 86% and bisexual women at 66%).

And if the proportions tend to differ from one report to another, the gap stagnates at an impressive 30 points.

A lack of knowledge of the female body

So certainly, orgasm is far from being the only indicator of pleasure and should not be a goal to achieve at all costs. But these figures reveal a problematic reality: the cultural and societal ignorance that persists around the female anatomy.

Another survey, carried out by the polling institute YouGov , shows on this subject that the confusion around the vulva is shared by both genders, a large part of those questioned having difficulty identifying the labia, the urethra or even the vagina. The clitoris was the best located organ.

The solution ? An emancipatory discovery of one's own body, to better describe to others the ways of satisfying us - while waiting for them to take the reins of this learning themselves.

Furthermore, 39% of women said they reached sexual climax more easily solo than accompanied, by masturbating with their fingers or a sex toy. So, all you have to do is practice...

The Ona clitoral stimulator embodies the holistic approach to well-being which involves fulfilled sexuality. Ona is the ideal sex toy to help you reclaim your pleasure and your intimacy to feel better both in your body and in your head.
It can be used solo as well as in a duo thanks to its good grip and its opening wide enough to fit all shapes of clitoris

Pauline Machado, Journalist

La sexualité au coeur du bien-être

Les essentiels de la routine sexo Bouche Bée

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Ona, Vibrating clitoral stimulatorOna, Vibrating clitoral stimulator
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